Media Advisory: Commonwealth University-Bloomsburg to Host BloomCon and Hak4Kidz

Bloomsburg, PA (02/29/2024) — Commonwealth University-Bloomsburg will host BloomCon, its eighth annual digital forensics, cybersecurity, and hacking conference, on Friday and Saturday, March 1 and 2.

The event will be held in the Kehr Union Building. In its seven years, BloomCON has attracted more than 5,000 attendees. In addition to talks by cybersecurity experts, there will be stations focused on topics such as lock picking, hardware hacking, the Internet of Things, car hacking, and drone hacking and flight control.

In conjunction with BloomCon, the Bloomsburg Children's Museum is producing Hak4Kidz on Saturday, March 2, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Kehr Union.

More information about how to get free tickets and specific schedules for the event can be found at or by contacting Phil Polstra, professor of mathematics, computer science, and digital forensics, at